Touring history:

The Overseer / Solid State Records / 2008-2014

Becoming the Archetype / Solid State Records / 2010-2011

The Ongoing Concept / Solid State Records / 2014

Spoken / Tooth and Nail / 2012

Josh Noren / Independent / 2015

Isaac / Independent / 2017

Colton Dixon / Atlantic Records / 2018-2019

The Wedding / 2017

Wolves at the Gate / Solid State Records / 2014-present

Project 86 / Tooth and Nail, Atlantic Records / 2016-present

Various Nashville Artists / 2015-present

Recording history:

The Overseer / We Search, We Dig / Solid State Records / 2012

The Overseer / Rest and Let Go / Solid State Records / 2014

Wolves at the Gate / Types and Shadows / Solid State Records / 2016

Tramps / Self-titled/ 2016

Project 86 / Sheep Among Wolves / Team Black Recordings / 2017

Wolves at the Gate / Eclipse / Solid State Records / 2019

Wolves at the Gate / Eulogies / Solid State Records / 2022

Justin Kaleb / New Beginnings / 2023

Various Nashville Artists / 2015-present

Management Contact: Richard@RiseUpArtists.com